Saturday, December 12, 2009


Junes Diary

Dear Diary,

War was supposed to end this year, but I don’t think it will. I’m scared this is going to be going on for a long time. What is going to happened after the war. There are so many questions with no answer.

My husband had to go to war. This year living here with my two sons (Phillip and Clayton) has been really hard. Sometimes we don’t have anything to eat. I’m scared something bad would happen to my husband. I just want this to end now, but I can’t do anything about that, I can just try to get stronger and stronger for whatever happens in the future.

Why did Gavrilo Princip had to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria? If he wouldn’t have done that maybe we wouldn’t have war right now…but what cant I do about it…there is nothing I can do, just wait until all this is done.

I hope this is done soon and that my husband is fine and that I get some news from him.

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